Sunday, June 27, 2010

And the flag comes off my back window...

Wow. I mean, I kinda struggled to start this post. I've began and erased and began again, mostly because I don't know really what to say. I'm still seriously affected by the unbelievable trouncing I just witnessed. I'm still reeling with disappointment and anger from the spectacle I had recently been privy to. I knew I would have to comment on it. That's what I do. Should I just let the fingers do the walking or should I plan out a calculated, fiery diatribe leaving no German unscathed. Maybe I could take it from a sporting aspect, or maybe a vicious rant about having instant replay in this tournament. My mind is a trailer park during a tornado. The winds of anger and sadness are wiping out barns of competent thought and displacing my cows of reason. However, amid this chaos I was able to attach myself to an underground water pipe and remain focused as the F5 swept past. My depression, fury, heartbreak, and disappointment, made it clear what I should write about...Why am I so affected?

For four years you wait. Well, if you're an England fan, for forty-four years you wait. You watch teams come and go, you get excited about the prospect of the Cup coming home, and you imagine, when all is said and done, that the captain holding the trophy aloft, perched atop a well-constructed podium with sparkly confetti being cannoned out into the atmosphere behind him, will have three lions on his jersey. An intensely goose-bumpy image to be sure. Alas, it never comes. Alack, not even at the Euro. Tournament after tournament, I open myself up for this unhappiness, and that's really the only thing I can count on at this point. Sad, no? Well, why do I still care so much?

I guess sometimes we have to allow ourselves a little slack when it comes to ultimately unimportant things and their affect on us. Would it be great for me to see all my favourite sports teams win championships and be considered the best in the world? Of course! Would I have had anything to do with it? Of course not! Is there a reason I'm yelling? Probably! These things would happen with me in front of the T.V. or not. It doesn't affect my life really but allowing some emotion to grab a hold of you in such a way is good I think. I guess it gives us a high apart from the mundane lives we lead. So I guess being affected isn't so bad. Caring about millionaires that don't necessarily care about you can have it's positives. And cheering for grown men playing a game can be beneficial to the soul. It must remind us that we're all human. And that it's okay to be moved by irrelevant things. It's almost like art in a way. So, I'm okay. I'm not overdoing it. I'm just really glad it's only every four years.

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