Saturday, June 26, 2010

Smilers never lose, and frowners never win...apparently

I've been told recently that sometimes I can be a little negative, critical, harsh and negatively critically harsh. From time to time, my generalizations have been a little unfair, and that I possibly expect a little too much from humanity as it were. I tend to make comments about things that could be misconstrued as being embittered and maybe a little too judgmental. It's also been brought to my attention that I am in the habit of summing up people and situations at first glance and off of first impressions. All very potentially useful critiques of my personality and definitely some things that could give one pause. And now a look inward...

I admit, due to my relentlessly sarcastic nature, I tend to observe the world at large not just with my eyeballs, but with biting comments and scathing verbal editorials orated for the benefit of any people standing close-by. If only to keep my wit sharp and to amuse myself and others. I could stand to be a little nicer in that regard sure, but what is not understood is that it's extremely hard to keep quiet when there is so much material out there to comment on.

I am not, by any means, perfect, nor do I aspire to be. An impossible goal is the ultimate waste of time. It would be like me training to be a mailbox. And, I do not expect others to be perfect either, contrary to the comments I might make. My problem, and this could very well be a true sign of getting older, is that it becomes my only weapon against what I see as an incredible decline in the society on the whole. I need to let people and myself know that I'm not buying into this bullshit. The world needs a renaissance, and it needs it now.

I'm not going to get too heavy on this one. I know there are some of you out there who know where I'm coming from and might find yourselves in the same boat. I only wish I could be a complete live and let live kinda guy, but it's that kind of malaise that gets us to this point. Where is the art? Where is the discovery? Where is the cultural advances? Not that any of my random statements do much to change the world. I just know that as long as I make them, I'm not falling for it.

I know I should just go with the flow and my negativity does little to stem the flood of mediocrity our species has been enveloped by, but I just can't. We're better than this. Let's open a book (NOT TWILIGHT!!!), or see a play at Stratford, or write a story, or see the symphony, or take a walk, or eat at a different restaurant, or do this, or do that, or do fuckin anything!! Again I don't expect people to be perfect, I just expect them to be constantly driven to be better and always be hungry to be more. I am. And I would never ask of anyone what I wouldn't do myself.

So my negativity has a purpose, all be it a pretty weak one in effectiveness. However, it is my duty as a fellow human to point out the douchiness and stupidity of my brethren and sistren as we follow the path of existence together. It's a back-breaking, thankless, horrifying siege, but one I relish and accept with humility and hope. I would want others to do the same for me. So go forth my children and open your mouths with sharp and rapier witticisms. Make your snap judgments and sarcastic comments soar for those to learn from and better themselves. If anything it feeds our inferiority complexes. I'd do anything to be ignorant. Or have enough hair for a faux-hawk. It looks like fun.

It's good to be back...missed y'all!!

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