Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A stream-of-(semi) conciousness...
As some of you mey know, I am working the night shift now and because of the hours my shift demands of me, I have no ther time to drink but in the morinings. And again, by drink , I mean, have a couple of beers. However, for the purpose of this piece I have imbibed four flagons of ale (a florgon!) and have decided to wirte to you in this state of mind with no edits or safety net. Here's what's on my mind right now.
I remember when subawy had two kinds of bread. Brown or white. Sounds racist to me but still. And now they have many . Some with cheese on it! My question is : What person still only chooses one of those two? If I go into a subway, I chose the bread that looks the least like bread. Oh yeah, the oregano cheese with chocolate icing one is the best!
You want to know the problem with over population is? Gravity! Seriously. Look at all the sky we have. It's a real estaters wet dream.
I'm not saying I do this but hads anyone checked to see if boogers have any nutritional value? If they do, dieting is going to get a whole lot more disgusting.
Today I used the terms "Riff-Raff" and "Ruffians: at two completely different times of the day. Aging is catching up with me. Or I need to go to better places. Keep thise whipper-snappewrs away.
We can make so many different things fly these days. Why not people? Why hasn't anyone even tried?
Seriously, Glee. Is it that good? I have no idea and I want to know. I feel totally out of the loop one this one.
I don';t like streak these days. It's weird. I know it's meat. But I'm not down. Is that wrong? Answer: yea.
I weant to learn siugn language but I think if I do, I'll just spend all my time looking for deaf people to impress them.
You don;t really have to walk a mile in someones shoes to know if the reason they're unhappy is because theyre shoes are uncomfortable. Just a couple of steps.
What the fuck is up with the letter Y in french>? It seems that the french alphabet is pretty much like our own and pretty understandable until you reach Y. Then you get EEGREKT! or whatever it is. Are they trying to be fancy and remind us that this is a completely different language just in case we forgot, or are they trying to make the anglophoines sound stupid. Either way, poutine is awesome.
How hard is it to end a convorsation when you're texting. it seems that anything anyone writes is repliable. And if you do end it it asounsds cold and mean. Then you have to pivk up the phone to make sure they arent' mad or offended. Weird time yo.
Is the plural of bluetooth, bluetooths or blueteeth? The red, squiggly line says it's blueteeth. Whatever it is use it when you're bicycling. But if you have more than one in your ears you';re a bag of douche.
I doin't trust dolphins. I am suspicious of any animal that gets along well with huans and isn't afraid of us. What are they hiding? Are we just a joke to them. Like "Hey Murray the Dolphin, I just had a dumbass human on my back when I was in Cancun. It's going to really surprise them when we take over eh?" The other dolphin replies, "Yeah it will Larry the Dolphin, I'm just watching and waiting." That shit goes for chimps too.
Why does no teapot pour prop-erly? Shit pisses me off. And makes me sound weird.
I gotta pee.
I'm bsack now. That was great.
I'm tired. Sleep now.
You guys. You are the guys.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Finally, some balance...
Thinking Globally
Acting Locally
Paris Hilton
Paris, Ontario
Fluorescent Bulbs
Turning off the Lights
Lou Diamond Phillips
Die Hard
Die Hard III (I'm gonna catch some shit for this one)
Dane Cook
Louis C.K.
Sex with Another Person
Reading anything, ANYTHING else
Global Warming
More Ice Cream
Tropical Beaches
Cottage Shorelines
Smokin' dem shits
Hip Hop
...with Black Bean Sauce
I am finished. For now. As time passes, more things may lodge themselves in my craw-like craw. But for now, I leave you. Goodnight, and Good Luck.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I haz no wrds...

We nEd 2 b a ltl mo vigilant wen it cumz 2 d tngz dat R important 2 us dEz dAz especalE. f we dun dey wiL b takN awA & we wiL jst lose cite of dem 4e. Imagine, f U wiL, d v thawt of grabbing a drink, sitN dwn & relaxing, & havN 2 rED DIS shit 4 200 pgz.

1 luv
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The first day of sick...

My nose. From Parker Brothers.
It is my favourite time of year however. I guess now that there is no school to go back to, Autumn makes for a very different season. The change in weather from patios to sweaters notwithstanding, the Fall is one of those blocks of months that I call a transition season. It is the bridge from effing hot to effing cold and is a huge reminder that there is beauty to behold even in the death of millions of living things. It is like a fantastic annual genocide that fills one's life with wonder and raking. Some people even make the changing of the foliage a road trip vacation and migrate to places far, far away just to see leaves that aren't green anymore.

In any event, the cold is now upon us. Coats are being brought out and long johns are being reinstated. I'm prepared, or will be once this bug has been slept away and drowned with Canada Dry. So bring on Thanksgiving, Halloween, and then yes, Christmas. I'm looking forward to it. The anticipation is electric. I can barely contain my excitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Monday, September 6, 2010
This is udderly depressing...
Now this is not a for sure, but the very thought of it makes me angry. I'm very aware that as time progresses, more and more things may be taken away. I mean, there will come a time when each of us will become breathing intolerant. Regardless, this is my favourite food group. What am I gonna do without dairy. It just doesn't seem right. I can't put Rice Dream in my Tea. I can't have soy milk on my Fruity Pebbles. I'm not dippin Oreos into Lactaid. I won't! I refuse! Maybe I need a support group. I guess it's just black coffee at those meetings. Either way, for the first time in my life I have to pay special attention to what I ingest. Thanks loads body. And to think of all those times I made you drunk. There's gratitude for you.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Hand Sanitizer will save us all...

I am of the age now (I just recently came to terms with) where I can take a significant look back and see just how different things are from when I was a wee lad. It's a lot easier to do so in this age of things changing on an almost daily basis. In a few years there may be infants actually longing for the good old days. One thing I remember was that there was really no HUGE problem with dirt and germs. Dirt wasn't exactly welcomed in the house or applied as some sort of cheap make-up substitute, but it was dirt. You get dirty, you washed (with plain old soap) and then you were clean, and ready to get dirty again.

I like to be clean just as much as the next guy (unless the next guy is homeless. Then, decidedly more so.), but ever since we started going mad with this anti-bacterial craze, doesn't it seem like there are more and more super viruses out there? When I was growing up there was Cancer. That's it. Polio had been cured. Diabetes was somewhat under control and Penicillin was the shit.

I can understand that there is a lot of fear out there about illnesses and disease and it seems that everyone is sick in some way or another. But seriously, our lifestyles consist now of not touching anything and using more and more powerful, DAMAGING, substances to keep us pristine. It's a losing battle for no one is an island. And you know, it's probably better that way. Next time you're sick, stay home if you can and let the body work it's magic. Use orange juice and ginger ale as opposed to cough syrups and pills. And sleep. Rest. That's how you fight it off. Stop sanitizing so much. You're becoming weaker as a result. And I'm not a doctor. Just a very invested observer. I care therefore I rant. So shake a hand, tie a shoelace, and just once a day, grab the handle of the bathroom door as you leave. It may feel gross at the time, but that will lead to empowerment. I'm almost positive. And hey if I'm wrong, guess who's gettin' balloons for their hospital room? That's right slugger. You. From this guy.
Be well. And be sane.