Thursday, September 9, 2010

The first day of sick...

I'm not feeling well today. Nor yesterday. Even more nor the day before. Unintentional rhyming aside, it's uncanny. It's like as soon as Labour day comes and goes, I know there is about a week of me being ill (not the good hip-hop kind either). I know there are two times a year I get sick. Summerintofall and Winterintospring. Two times where I know to make sure I got crackers and ginger ale. This is my medicine. Luckily my place of employment allows for sick time. This is key because I just sleep. And sleep. And sleep. And slzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Sorry, dozed off again. I'm feeling a little more refreshed now but still struggling. This blowing wind seems to be aiming for my nose which has become some sort of faucet.

My nose. From Parker Brothers.

It is my favourite time of year however. I guess now that there is no school to go back to, Autumn makes for a very different season. The change in weather from patios to sweaters notwithstanding, the Fall is one of those blocks of months that I call a transition season. It is the bridge from effing hot to effing cold and is a huge reminder that there is beauty to behold even in the death of millions of living things. It is like a fantastic annual genocide that fills one's life with wonder and raking. Some people even make the changing of the foliage a road trip vacation and migrate to places far, far away just to see leaves that aren't green anymore.


In any event, the cold is now upon us. Coats are being brought out and long johns are being reinstated. I'm prepared, or will be once this bug has been slept away and drowned with Canada Dry. So bring on Thanksgiving, Halloween, and then yes, Christmas. I'm looking forward to it. The anticipation is electric. I can barely contain my excitzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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