Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hand Sanitizer will save us all...

My Lord and Lady Jeezus, what a bunch of wusses we've all become. How paranoid and fearful is the human race today. What kind of cowardly, misguided, and especially and unequivocally neurotic species hath these days and times wrought?

Us. Except for the being dead part.

Now, I say this with great love and affection for the particular group of mammals I've been lucky enough to be born into. But, seriously, we're all getting a little strange.

I am of the age now (I just recently came to terms with) where I can take a significant look back and see just how different things are from when I was a wee lad. It's a lot easier to do so in this age of things changing on an almost daily basis. In a few years there may be infants actually longing for the good old days. One thing I remember was that there was really no HUGE problem with dirt and germs. Dirt wasn't exactly welcomed in the house or applied as some sort of cheap make-up substitute, but it was dirt. You get dirty, you washed (with plain old soap) and then you were clean, and ready to get dirty again.

Dirty, not Dirrrty. One R is fine thank you.

Same thing with germs. You would go to school, play with the kid with the cold, get the cold, stay home, get better, go back to school and play with the kid with the flu. These situations, while not particularly pleasant, were a part of growing up and made us stronger, building up a more powerful constitution to fight off future illnesses. They all served to strengthen the body, build character, and maybe even provide a modicum of mental toughness whereby we trusted our body to fight off the bugs as opposed to relying on the medicinal concoctions created by the ever trustworthy pharmaceutical corporations.

I like to be clean just as much as the next guy (unless the next guy is homeless. Then, decidedly more so.), but ever since we started going mad with this anti-bacterial craze, doesn't it seem like there are more and more super viruses out there? When I was growing up there was Cancer. That's it. Polio had been cured. Diabetes was somewhat under control and Penicillin was the shit.

Whassup now, Insulin?!

Now we got, West Nile, SARS, H1-N1, and even fucking Tuberculosis is coming back. Tuberculosis!!!! You know who one of the people who died from that was? Doc Holliday.

This guy. At this time.

How is it that the more insanely we worry and obsess about super clean and uber germ-free, the sicker we all seem to become? I guess it's another trend that will have us all in Haz-Mat suits before long.

I can understand that there is a lot of fear out there about illnesses and disease and it seems that everyone is sick in some way or another. But seriously, our lifestyles consist now of not touching anything and using more and more powerful, DAMAGING, substances to keep us pristine. It's a losing battle for no one is an island. And you know, it's probably better that way. Next time you're sick, stay home if you can and let the body work it's magic. Use orange juice and ginger ale as opposed to cough syrups and pills. And sleep. Rest. That's how you fight it off. Stop sanitizing so much. You're becoming weaker as a result. And I'm not a doctor. Just a very invested observer. I care therefore I rant. So shake a hand, tie a shoelace, and just once a day, grab the handle of the bathroom door as you leave. It may feel gross at the time, but that will lead to empowerment. I'm almost positive. And hey if I'm wrong, guess who's gettin' balloons for their hospital room? That's right slugger. You. From this guy.

Be well. And be sane.

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