Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I haz no wrds...

wen I wz n skul, my favorite subjec wz alwys eng. Math wz n gud, NE of d sciences didnt rly intRSt me, & of corS NE foreign lngwij corSz mAd me tres bored et tired (som shit stil stuck though). My most anticipated claS wz alwys d 1 n whch we rOt, rED, & 4 lack of a BetA wrd, celebrated d eng lngwij & aL of itz 1Drz. rEDN & writiN wer latched onto v earlE n my Lyf & I cn remMbR bn complEtlE smitN w d process & journey dat dEz two literary skiLz presntD. ther4, I dedicate DIS piece 2 d 404 lngwij & d 4gottn, BUTful vehicle of cmUnik8shn, b it verbal o visual, dat we hav aL Bin blessed n knON. @ lEst 4 a brief period.

It iz @ DIS tym I apologize. I do hav a point...

I sEmz dat n DIS prticulr tym period, 1 we hav Bin LckE Enuf 2 b existing n 2day, ppl hav btrayD our own lngwij 4 d qix & EZ form of txt spk. I, 4 1, cn undRstNd dat n d hustle & bustle of everyday Lyf, ppl hav tngz 2 sA & dey nEd 2 sA dem qix, w/o NE flourish o embellishment. It iz un4tuN8ly d way of d wrld & since weve aL decided 2 live Lyf n a huge goddamn hurry, ther iz nary a split-second unaccounted 4. evrtng iz condensed & L w/o fEln & mEng. & vowLZ? fuck vowLz! hu nEdz dem?

"Dammit! jst az I wz getin mo included!"

itz true dat evry lngwij goes Thru an evolution & somwot of a progression throughout history. I mean we dun spk n ye olde engish NEmor do we? bt doesnt progrS mean 4ward motion o an uphill ascension? Shouldn't our lngwijz bcum mo pleasing & dynamic insted of mo anoyN & EZ? o mAbE it shud bcum mo convenient. Im suR Tolstoy wshD it c%d hav Bin.

DIS iz a lng (_!_) buk!

It jst disappoints me 2 knO dat f tngz cArE on DIS way, DIS iz whr eng wiL eventually wind ^. jst tink how mind-numbingly anoyN it wz 2 rED DIS entire post. Imagine rEDN a whol buk lIk DIS (Twilight iz close) & magazines, o ads, o Miranda rghtz. wot wiL bcum of our mum Tongue?

We nEd 2 b a ltl mo vigilant wen it cumz 2 d tngz dat R important 2 us dEz dAz especalE. f we dun dey wiL b takN awA & we wiL jst lose cite of dem 4e. Imagine, f U wiL, d v thawt of grabbing a drink, sitN dwn & relaxing, & havN 2 rED DIS shit 4 200 pgz.


wer aL faLN jst a bit t% fst & we nEd 2 slO dwn. We nEd 2 express ourselves propRlE az much az posebL so we dun bcum :)~ idiots hu dun evN Laff NEmor, we jst LOL. How we communicate iz an extremely important & identifying trait & nEdz 2 b protekD & revered. especalE swears. thOs R f'n motherfucking delicious 2 sA (& typ bitches!!!) letz git bak 2 our lngwij. letz wrte it, rED it, & luv it jst lIk we did bak wen we 1st LernD 2 do aL 3. I jst hOp we cn do it. othRwIz, tombstones wiL lose aL solemnity, d ABC wiL contaN symbols, & ppl lIk Ke$ha wiL L%k lIk geniuses. U hEr me ppl?!?!? GENIUSES!!!

1 luv

1 comment:

  1. did you puke on my couch this weekend, cause if so that is so L8M
