Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daily inspiration...

I remember when I used to write about funny, silly, somewhat comical things and tried to present them in the same manner. I plan to go back to it of course and was actually going to do something like that today. But then I picked up the Toronto Star and turned to page 2. If you get the Star I suggest you do the same. If you do not, I have the link right here to the feature I am referring to.

Today apparantly marks the 50th anniversary of JFK's inaugural speech. The speech that was written by a slew of people, at the beginning of a seemingly new era for the country. An era marked with turmoil, uncertainty, introspection, and change. Also, it addresses a country, a superpower, seeking truth, justice, unity, and hope.

Now I am definitely not a political junkie. That ship sailed when I entered my 30's. It's not that I don't care anymore, it's because I maybe care too much. Living and dying through politics is the quickest way to constant disappointment. It's the best path to pessimism and fake idealism is the adult version of your parents telling you there is no Santa Claus. I thought I was done believing that politicians could evoke any truly significant feeling in my hard heart. However, I just could not put down the paper and tried to almost physically ingest every word, idea, and statement of promise and challenge orated by this man. The article provides explanation but demands none. It is an unquestionable masterpiece. It will move you a lot or a little but you will, at least for a split second, envision what he speaks of and become excited and inspired.

I don't want to oversell (too late) or spill my bleeding heart all over your screen but sometimes, especially with MLK's birthday just passed, it's nice to believe, even for a second, that there were still some leaders out there that want better and demand more. Let's hope we have an increase of those visionaries. Men and women who look at leadership as an enhancement of people and places as opposed to just taking care of red and black ink. And let's hope we don't kill them for it.

More stupidity another time.

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