Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quick plugola...

Over the holidays I took part in two things that made me very happy and unexpectedly fulfilled. The first one was a book that was recommended by the person that knows me the best in this area. The second was a documentary that I never really felt inclined to watch until one boring evening, sick on the couch in the basement. Either way, both of these items need to be watched and read by you if you haven't already. That's really something you should do.

Anthony Kiedis' book is one of the best rock autobiographies I've ever read. I've never been a huge fan of the Chili Peppers but I've always been aware of them and have found their music enjoyable for the better part of 20 years now. I mean "Under the Bridge" alone got me through Grade 8. But this is an uncensored look at a man who seems to have not only come to terms with the life he has led, but now has gotten to the point where he's reporting it back, in detail, without apologies or shame. The music takes a back-seat to the music scene and the copious drug use but it didn't end up disappointing me at all. The story was engaging and the narrative was empowering. It is also a miracle this man is still alive. I don't feel so bad now for that joint I smoked last week. Read it. I am now a somewhat fan of the band and it's frontman. (Note: searched for picture of this cover by going to Google Images and typing in "Scar Tissue." Do not do that. Seriously. Disgusting.)

Another surprise was how amazing this movie and this band is. I had heard three things about Rush in my life: 1) "Tom Sawyer" 2) "YYZ" 3) If Jesus had a band, Neil Peart would be the drummer. So what made me want to sit through this docko about a band with a weird looking, helium-sucking castrato bassist, a milquetoast guitarist, and Drummy McBangiddyBap? Not just because they're from Canada, but I guess there was a part of me that was always kind of intrigued by their appeal. Because let's face it, whenever you meet a Rush fan, they are a RUSH FAN! Also, I saw Alex Lifeson in one of my favourite episodes of Trailer Park Boys so I gave it a whirl. An amazing film about the lowest-key big rock band ever (if that makes any sense). They were probably the most boring trio to ever tour. However, they had the most musical talent, artistic integrity, conceptual courage, and insane work ethic of any band over the last 40 years. No understatement there. I immediately downloaded "La Villa Strangiato" after viewing and am consistently amazed that there are really only three of them. I am now a fan. See this if you like music.

That's it.

1 comment:

  1. I once broke up with a boy because a stranger told him he looked like Getty Lee.
