Friday, January 21, 2011

Urinal Etiquette or "You're too close Man!!!"

I really hate to do this but sorry ladies, this post is for the guys again. I'm not saying you shouldn't read it but I'm not quite sure how helpful you will find this. I'm almost positive that no ladies use urinals (sober) so the importance of the subject might elude you all. However, if you are looking for some insight into a man's world and the intricacies therein, this will be something to behold. Alrighty, that being said, I shall begin...

Guys. Have you ever been at a urinal, whether it be in an arena, workplace, mall, restaurant, church, urinal store, etc., and as you are standing there being relieved of all those fluidy castoffs, some dude shoots in the bathroom door, makes a beeline to the wall toilets and chooses the one right beside you? Invading your personal peeing bubble and sometimes even grazing your elbow with his? Or worse, what about the slow head turn and look. You have to immediately turn your head so you can make sure he's looking you dead in your eye. And then comes the awkward smile, or nod. Any gesture at that point is creepy but you make sure his eyes don't drift downwards regardless of the uncomfortable situation. And what about the dreaded, "How's it goin'?" This is not the time to be friendly. In the bathroom it's time for business and that's all. If conversation was a priority, or even an inclination, there would be couches and a Tassimo. But it's all porcelain and paper. Get out without any friend making and rejoin the world. These guys mess that whole experience up.

"Weird. I always thought you were Jewish."

I'm not a particularly uptight guy. I'm pretty open and friendly and I enjoy all people for the most part. Just when I'm up against a wall with my John Thomas front and center, I'm not looking to share my day. The very last thing I want to do when my paws are on my pecker is to strike up a conversation with a complete male stranger. There needs to be space given and received in the bathroom. I'm not in there for fun.

If by some chance I go in and out of 3 urinals there is a guy at the middle one, it's stall time. I respect the unspoken laws that come with public urination. It was something that was taught to me a long time ago whether through words, observation, or just common courtesy. I'm finding nowadays that many men have not had these lessons verbalized to them and just cannot grasp the concept at all. I give older guys, like 65+ a break. Not because I like the senior men potentially leering at Larry, but because at that age they really don't give a fuck. Those are the guys who also like to stand about 35 feet away from the urinal without shame at let her go. They get a pass. But any guy younger than that, smarten up!

Unspoken rules and regulations are what keep society going. They are what we as humans living together govern our everyday lives by. They're the laws of the common man. They allow order when merging onto the highway. First you go, then I go, then it's the next guys turn. It's a beautiful thing to watch when it's done properly. But think how angry you get when somebody skips the line or doesn't let you in when it's your turn. It's complete heresy. And believe me, you are not the only one becoming enraged. That is a real sign of community within the human race. It's what separates us from the animals. Same goes for newspaper boxes. You could take them all if you wanted to. You could grab them, run down the street screaming, "I'm a pretty bird!" while flapping them, and then go home and wallpaper your den with them. But you don't. Somebody else might want to read the news. Considering strangers is a pure and lovely happening.

Therefore, to all the men I will unfortunately have to share public bathrooms with in the future, let's keep our distance, keep the acknowledgments to the barest of minimums, and the chatter to zero. Nobody's going
in there for a laugh or a heart to heart. Go in and get out. Oh and wash your hands too. If you promise to do that at least, I'll talk to you at the sink.

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